Get to know us

What We Do

Our Mission

The Coke Pleasant Grove Fire Department is a Volunteer Department. When someone dials 911, firefighters are alerted via pager and leave their homes and jobs to go to where ever action is needed. Firefighters drive to the fire station in their personal vehicles to get the necessary equipment, gear, and fire trucks. When you see a vehicle on the road with flashing red lights, please pull over! The house they are going to may be yours!


Meet Our Leadership

Get to know a little about us and what we do when we aren't volunteering with the fire department.

Bobby Thompson - Fire Chief

Bobby Thompson

Fire Chief

Bacon ipsum dolor amet corned beef sirloin flank jerky ham turducken chuck hamburger cupim strip steak beef frankfurter rump salami doner. Porchetta salami pork jowl ground round fatback.

First Lastname

Assistant Fire Chief

Ground round picanha fatback doner spare ribs sausage. Shoulder bresaola boudin corned beef, meatball tenderloin short ribs meatloaf andouille flank frankfurter ham, pancetta sausage shoulder.

First Lastname

Training Officer

Apicola flank picanha pork loin, tri-tip brisket chicken ham hock ball tip. Tail pork loin shank burgdoggen, andouille doner pastrami alcatra landjaeger drumstick.

First Lastname


Tail drumstick pastrami hamburger. Picanha porchetta hamburger ham hock short loin shankle bacon spare ribs flank pork chop pancetta burgdoggen venison filet mignon.

First Lastname


Jowl spare ribs landjaeger pork belly. Hamburger steak rump picanha landjaeger boudin new york strip steak porchetta cow. Swine beef ribs flank cupim frankfurter.

Let's work together

Come be a part of something great!

Volunteer fire departments are always looking for more volunteers. If you live in our area, we'd love for you to come by and talk with us about joining. If you don't live in our area, we can help you find your nearest department and help you contact them about joining! Either way, to get in touch with us, click the link below!